Good Friday…

We bought Louis a puzzle game when we were at Crufts. (See Louis at Crufts). Hounds aren’t supposed to be the sharpest tools in the canine shed but when it comes to food then Louis’ brain fires on all one or two cylinders. Here’s a pic of Louis in action solving the puzzle. It doesn’t … Read more

Going for gold…

Louis started out on his gold award last night (he doesn’t know this, he just thinks it’s play time). As it was a pre-cursor to the training they had a go at agility; running through tunnels and over jumps etc. Louis took to this really well. We had always planned to see if he liked … Read more

It’s a silver!

Louis took his Canine Good Citizen Silver test tonight and passed with flying colours. Obviously it’s a gear up from the bronze and this time one of the tests was to walk down the street with the examiner following closely. There were a number of young lads hanging around and they saw Louis and were … Read more