We used to have three sheds at the old house so it was hard work trying to ram three sheds worth of stuff into a small 4′ x 4′ shed at the new place. Add to that the fact that the shed had a big hole in the roof and the pressure was on to get a new shed sorted.
I was happy to go for an 8′ x 10′ but was overruled by Sue and we ended up with a 10′ x 12′ monster shed. It was on a two week delivery so my leisurely plans to sort out a base were scuppered when the new shed arrived two days later.
A lot of digging later as well as 35 (bloody heavy) paving slabs having been laid by yours truly and we were able to build the shed this weekend.
Here’s the base:-

Basic frame:-

Inspection by Louis:-

Sue in action:-

Finished article:-

It’s absolutely massive so we should be able to get all our stuff in there (plus some stuff out of my garage whilst Sue is not looking).
Very sexy shed and labourer !!!
Hope the pavers are level and well compacted down !