We are having such a good time training for Louis’ Silver Good Canine Citizen Award. I can wholeheartedly recommend Knutsford training centre where we go. No choke chains, no shouting, no forcing; all the dogs have a wonderful time, it’s like one big play session.
We put all the training into practice when we go out and about and I love it when people come and pat him and say what a lovely boy he is.
We are looking forward to seeing the babies at the G. B. Club Show this weekend. Sue, Sassy, Jan, Zuri and last but not least Chris and Bertie.
For Sue, thanks for the guestbook message. I had absolutely nothing to do with setting this web site up, it was my far better half, Andy. Andy is the brain in this family*, he allows me on to blog and pick pictures from time to time.
*Comment by Andy – not a lot of competition in the brain stakes; a mawking cat, a daft hound and……