Watch out…..there’s a thief about…

We’ve got a strawberry plant in a big pot on the patio that has delivered summer fruit for quite some years. We don’t do anything with it and it shares its pot with some other plants whose seeds have landed there over the years. Despite this it provides a small crop of absolutely delicious strawberries. … Read more


Louis was on parade yet again this Saturday at the Blackpool Championship Show. He came fourth in his class so no rosette this time. :-)bg The weather was appalling, wind and rain and it was an outdoor show. When Sue and Louis got home they were chilled to the core which is not good considering … Read more

Louis on parade…

Louis was on show today at the Border Union Agricultural Society Championship Show up in Kelso, Scotland. He came first in his class which is excellent news. It was an early start for Sue, leaving the house around half four. We were debating whether he should go or not due to the fuel tanker strike. … Read more

It’s all too much

Louis’ had an eventful day and as I type this he’s snoring in his den. First thing was his usual morning walk down the valley. Secondly Sue decided to plant some lettuce seeds which went well despite Louis’ desire to see what was going on and help. With the job done Sue went inside to … Read more